Now, it's no secret that I'm a huge fan of the Pink Velvet SATC Box Set. I spent my Twentysomethings in New York City watching the four Thirtysomethings bar/ bed hop around my neighborhood week after week. Religiously. With no shame. I wrote countless papers defending the show to some very tough audiences in my Women's Study classes at NYU. I wrote a monthly review in a zine that my roommates published out of our East Village apartment. I LOVED the show. As a young (and rather clueless) woman, I was proud to be part of a generation who publicized our sexuality. The camp, the cheese, the incredibly promiscuous behavior was all part of why we loved the show. It was over the top for sure, but as a young urban woman, I was too.
(I'll leave out my diatribe about how horrific it was to see Carrie end up with Mr. Big at the end of the series.)
Enter... The films...
The first movie was terrible, obviously. But still somehow passable. It was too long, too fragmented, and poorly written. Plus, Jennifer Hudson was in it for some reason, and had to rent fancy handbags. Nice, real subtle. In the end, we (the fans) didn't mind it too much. The film concludes with the same crushing disappointment as the Series Finale - Carrie sells herself out to marry Mr. Dumps-A-Lot, but we'll even let that slide. There was something charming and delightfully horrifying about seeing the "girls" on the big screen. Fine. Whatever...
But why... WHY did they have to make a sequel? And why on God's Green Earth did they have to go to Abu Dhabi? This film was clearly written by someone who has been living under a jewel encrusted rock for the last 10 years, and obviously has no time or intention for accurate research. Watching these four actors doing impressions of the characters we once stood so proudly behind is nauseating. They tramp around the "Middle East" wearing the most god awful and unbelievably offensive get ups. The whole running joke is that women have no voice, and no image in certain cultures. That's the JOKE!? Are you kidding me? These are issues that women throughout the world face and fight every day, and you're gonna film a scene with Samantha waiving condoms around a spice market screaming "I Have Sex!". I was truly horrified by every moment of this film. No wonder the world has such a negative view of American culture. Look at the way we are represented.
My entire opinion of the whole franchise has completely changed. I'm pissed that I stood up for the feminist values in this show for so long, only to have my devotion thrown in my face with this script.
Shame on the jerks at HBO and New Line who released this abomination. Shame on anyone who had "creative" input (I'm looking at you MPK/SJP). Shame on the actors for agreeing to portray these women in such a way. And shame on me for falling for it. I beg of you, do NOT give this movie one dime of your money, or moment of your time.
Thank You,
Ps. I have a Pink Velvet SATC Box Set available for $.50 if anyone wants it. Fuck those guys.
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Feminist Media In The City Of Angels
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
About Me

- La Femmedia
- Always looking for some, interesting, creative, exciting, empowering things to do in L.A. Please let us know if you have a Fabulous Feminist Media Event we can attend!
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